What I thought was lost and is now found. This truly is the best product in the world. Several months ago I was able to buy this almost anywhere. Well one day I went to pick up some more from the grocery store but it was never to be found again. I searched everywhere I could think of. Albertsons, Fred Meyers, Thriftway even Winco. I even tried to search for it in Utah, Indiana, New Jersey and South Carolina. But I was unlucky. Where oh where did this wonderful stuff go?....Haagens of all places. That's right just recently when I returned back to Oregon I needed to pick up something and the closest grocery store was Haagens. I went down the baking isle and there it was. On the top shelf. It was like the light from Heaven was shining on it, in all it's glory. The search was over!!
Now you may be wondering why this is so glorious. Well, let me tell you. First of all it is FAT FREE! Also a butter and oil replacement. So when baking cakes, cookies, brownies no yucky, fattening, butter or oil is used in your baked goods. Making then seem just that more healthy right? Also it makes them soft and gooey! DELIOUS!! If you havent tried this I recommend that you do. It's even better then applesauce! And believe me it's worth the trek to Haagens just pick a jar or two up!