Tuesday, November 8, 2011

October, fall, and Halloween

October, Fall and Halloween three words I LOVE!! This by far is my favorite month, season and holiday! I love it even more now that I live in Oregon, this state is perfect for fall. All the leaves change, the weather is perfect, and its really so beautiful! Plus it stays like this through Nov. We went to the apple orchard, pumpkin patch, fall festival at my work, carved pumpkins and enjoyed this time of year.
Mikaila playing soccer! She's actually quite good if I could get her to go to practice, she only likes to play Games!
this is her soccer buddy Taine, they also go to preschool together (he was also the first boy she ever kissed...naughty little girl)
these two really are the best of buds! they play so well together and are really sweet with eachother
Carving pumpkins as a family, are you wondering what is all over Isaak's face?....marker! it's also on his hands, feet, belly and bum!
The witch and Spider Man are ready to go trick or treating!
first house on the stop. Mikaila ran from house to house while Isaak walked. She got tired of waiting for him so she would get his candy for him and move on to the next house.
this was the first year we carved pumpkins and I think they turned out pretty good! Isaak's is a boy vampire and Mikaila's is a girl vampire.